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HomeThe Council

The Council

Current Executive

Every 2 years the Council elects four of its members to act as the executive. The executive undertake the day to day running of the Association.


Chair: Lorelei Siegloff (SAPEA)


Deputy Chair: Thomas Low (APiL)


Treasurer: Dan Muir-Smith (PINS)


Secretary: Jill Howells (VAPS)

Council Representatives

  • Each Regional Affiliate provides a member of the Council.
  • These FAPSA-Affiliated Associations are non-profit organisations dedicated to promoting and supporting philosophy in schools in their state, territory or regional area.
  • The Associations respond to local needs, providing services such as professional development for teachers, events of interest to the philosophy in schools community, teachers’ network meetings and relevant teaching resources.
  • Each Association is volunteer-driven and funded by membership subscriptions. Membership is open to educational institutions, teachers, students, academics, parents and interested citizens. Please contact your local Association directly if you wish to become a member.


Canberra Society of Philosophy for the Young (SOPHY)

Council Representative: Catherine Geraghty-Slavica

Hong Kong Uni Graduates Association Education Foundation

Council Representative- Chris Chiu




Philosophy in Schools Association of NSW (PiNS)

Council Representative: Dan Mui-rSmith




Philosophy for Children – New Zealand (P4CNZ)

Council Representative: Dr Vanya Kovach



Philosophy in Schools in Queensland

Council Representative: Nathan Pickles



SA Philosophy in Education Association (SAPEA)

Council Representative:  Lorelei Siegloff


Singapore Association for Philosophy in Learning

Council Representative- Thomas Low



Philosophy in Schools in Tasmania

Council Representative: Dr Tim Sprod


Victorian Association for Philosophy in Schools

Council Representative: Jill Howells
